The funniest part of it all is that you never really notice the weight gain, it’s like you just wake up fat one day, whats up with that! For a while I would say stuff like, man, having children sure does do a number on your body; or, this brand isn’t good quality-the clothes shrink everytime I put em in the dryer. It's time for me to get real-my youngest child just turned five years old. I've come up with more excuses than someone going to jail! The fact of the matter is-I CAN DO THIS!!! I can shed these pounds, I just have to have the will to do it. Heck, I could have Meagan Good’s body by now! I really believe that my biggest issue is consistency. I need to settle on a routine and STICK TO IT. Another thing is-I have to be willing to change a few things-Okay, Okay, a lot of things. For instance, those 2:00 trips to the vending machine have to STOP, I've got to stay away from those Famous Amos Cookies and 3 Musketeers. Why in the heck did they put the vending machine so close to my cubicle anyway!?!?
When I think back to my most successful period of weight loss, the thing that stands out most is my food journal, I truly believe that keeping a journal helped me stay on track, it actually made me conscious of the foods I ate from day-to-day. Another thing that helped me was eating every two hours. I’m not talking about devouring a double quarter pounder w/ cheese at twelve o'clock and then having a three- piece chicken dinner at 2:00pm (who does that?). I'm talking about having a sensible snack every two hours between meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). This said, I think I’m gonna start my “Never ending weight loss attempt” AGAIN, wish me luck !!! :-)
So how are you going about reaching your goal weight?